
The word "kinesis" means movement in Greek. It is effectively a therapy that uses movement or, on the contrary, reduces or corrects certain movements through different postures or restraints.
Physiotherapists are health professionals who specialise in the art of healing.
Our physiotherapists' main areas of expertise are orthopaedics, rheumatology and sports medicine.
Our therapists work closely with the physical medicine department of the Hôpital Saint-Jean (Botanique BXL).
Espace Medical Braffort has a full range of modern physiotherapy equipment, including ultrasound, infrared (IFRA), COMPEX electrostimulation, LYMPHAMAT pressotherapy, FITVIBE body vibration therapy and radial shock waves (ESWT).
An assessment of your needs will be carried out during the initial consultation, so that the physiotherapist can apply one or more of the techniques best suited to your case.
Avenue de Tervuren 95
(Metro Merode-Montgomery)
1040 Etterbeek/Bruxelles